A Grateful Heart…


Keep your heart open to the flow of blessings as you consciously practice gratitude for ALL that you have, ALL that you already are and ALL that is.
Be grateful 365! šŸ’–

Progress, Not Perfection


Practice makes us proficient, not perfect. While perfectionism may seem like a worthy goal, it simply is unattainable and will steal your joy. Aim for progress in all that you do. Celebrate every ounce of progress you make. You are not designed to be humanly perfect in any way. You are meant to move forward, make progress and continue growing in this ever-evolving journey.

āž”ļø What is ONE area of your life where you can let go of perfection?Ā 

Happy Earth Day!


Many people all over the world are celebrating Earth Day today. Earth is everywhere. Above us. Below us. All around us. Even inside of us. We are as much a part of our divine Mother Earth as she is a part of us. We are not separate from her even if we may somehow believe that we are. When we realize that we are a living, breathing manifestation of this beautiful Earth, we can shift our relationship with her. As we begin to fall in love with Mother Earth, we will start to realize that there really is no separation between ourselves and her. It is Mother Earth and her nature that supports us in discovering our own true nature. Take a moment today to step on the soil of our true Mother and notice that she loves us and cherishes our entire BEing without ever judging us. Take a moment to stand barefooted in nature and feel your connection to the roots of Mother Earth deepen. Take a moment to celebrate the beauty of this glorious Mother that we were all created from not just today but everyday. Send Mother Earth some of your heart-felt gratitude and you will feel her love bounce right back to you a million-fold. Enjoy the blessing of being here surrounded by the magnificence of this Mother and all of her glory. May you relish every day of your existence here with our dear Mother.

Love to you all. Happy Earth Day!


Celebrating my birthday and finishing strong!

This morning started off a bit emotionally for me as I reflected upon the last 39 years of my life and how far I have come. And I was so full. So full of tears, prayerful intentions and infinite gratitude for this precious life of mine that I can love so deeply.

I remember my last few birthdays not being so enjoyable as I was ailing each time with one illness or another. I appreciate my vitality and well-being so much more today becauseĀ of this.

So I must say: Thank You God that I can now appreciate the light because of all the darkness that I was blessed to journey through. Thank You God for the infinite love and support that comes to me from multiple avenues and directions. Thank You God for the people and resources that become readily available as soon as I set an intention to positively shift my life. Thank You God for helping me expand my capacity to not only love others, but to love myself first as the beautiful light that you created me to be. I know that these words alone are not enough to thank You for all of this and much more. They will never be because You are just that AMAZING and GREAT, dear God!

12 years later, Iā€™m still in awe of the best gift I ever received from God on my birthday, my daughter Reyah. She is my life, comfort, joy and everything! I feel blessed to share my birthday with her! And of course, the best thing about my daughter growing up is that we often get called sisters! Anything that makes me seem younger, I will gladly receive that!! šŸ˜‰

Today, I amĀ savoring our shared birthday and this delicious life!!


Dance to the rhythm of your life!


Your music.
Your beat.
Your song.
Your voice.
Your heart.
Your soul.
Your life.
It is unlike any other.
No other life is nor will ever be like yours.
Because your life is uniquely your own.
Only you know its purpose.
Only you know its pace.
March courageously in your life.
To the beat of your own drum.
To the love in your heart space.
To the flow of your soul.
Your music lives deep inside.
It awaits your impassioned call.
Seek it.
Claim it.
Love it.
Embrace it.
Become one with the soulful music inside.
Growth. Expansion. Renewal. Joy.
All is possible when you are married to the music inside.
Let the music of your soul take control.
Let the music of your soul be revived.
Let the music of your soul set you free.
Don’t let your music die inside.
Let yourself move to the beat of your own truth.
Let yourself dance to the rhythm of your life.

šŸ’œ Farah Joy

Mindful Monday: Love is the Answer


It’s the start of a new week. Mondays are dreaded by many people because we usually will have so much on our plates to start off the week with, we may be rushing from place to place and we may even find ourselves doing one thing or another for other people without a single thought that we, too, have our own needs to fulfill. We simply lose sight of the one thing that we could intend every week to create more ease in our life: love for ourselves. Love is our inherent truth and the energy that keeps us connected to our Source. Love is the medicine that heals our soul as a whole. Not the love that we seek elsewhere, but the love that is found within us. The love that we so often forget to give to our own selves. We can nourish and elevate our own spirit by fully expressing love to ourselves just as we offer it to others in the world. Our own love is the most beautiful answer to EVERYTHING that we desire in our life.

What is ONE thing you will do this week to be more loving towards yourself?

I would love to hear from you!

Let Love Bloom













Let Love Bloom

Your worth, confidence, happiness, success and all
They are birthed from nowhere else but from within you

There is a well of love inside your heart that will soon dry up
If you keep giving away your love to everyone else and not to you

Quench your thirst for love by nurturing your own needs first
And you’ll start seeing a whole new world form around you

You will show up in a much bigger way for others
When you courageously honor each and every part of you

Do something everyday to offer yourself the love you truly deserve
Let that true love bloom from inside of you

šŸ’œ Farah Joy

Have a fabulous Friday all!! šŸ˜

Life Is Rigged In Your Favor

Life Rigged Rumi Quote

Know that when life feels hard that there is a precious gift somewhere yet to be discovered in the “hard”. Be open to receiving the gift that is waiting for you. Seek it wholeheartedly. Find it with ease. Don’t turn it away just because it is not in your physical view. All of life is always conspiring FOR you!!

Release your struggle. Invite ease.Ā Stay open to the miracles.

Be The Light That Makes A Difference


I am a Muslim. I am a Pakistani-American. I am a woman of color. What are these other than obvious descriptions of me and my born identity.

But most importantly BEFORE all of that, I am a human. I am a beloved and worthy creation of God. I am the shining light of God.

And you are, too. We ALL are.

So let us all BE the light that makes a difference.

Let us all love the heck out of each other irrespective of our color, religion, gender, ethnicity, nationality, political party preference or social status. Let us honor the divine light that exists within EACH one of us even in the most challenging times of our lives. Let us be the dignity we deserve. Let us be the love we deserve. Let us be the unity we deserve.

It doesn’t begin with anyone else, but YOU.

Every single experience stemming from this election…from the comments of President-Elect Donald Trump that triggered fear, hatred and suspicion with the masses all over the world to the politically incorrect behavior he has publicly exhibited to the election results that hurt and disappointed so many to the core…is an opportunity for us to look within ourselves and BE the change that we seek in the world. The hatefulness, name calling, judging, shaming and blaming that is flooded all over the social media for both Hillary Clinton and President-Elect Donald Trump DOES NOT solve anything. It only creates more of it.

The energy we give our attention and response to IS the energy that we will experience more of in our lives.

Hatred creates more hatred. And love begets love.

If you want respect, be respectful to and of your fellow human beings. If you want more humanity, be human. If you want love, be love. If you want peace, be at so much peace within yourself that no single person or experience can ever rob you of it.

Embody what you desire. BE what you seek. You can’t have in your life THAT which you are not willing to BE.

Whether or not the newly-elected President is supportive of my own religion, ethnicity and gender or anyone elseā€™s, the one thing I know for sure is:

God. Always. Has. Our. Back.

I am a Muslim and I am choosing to BE love over hate. I am choosing faith over fear because my faith IS what sets me free.

Simple is undeniably beautiful!

Enjoyed exercising my creativity muscle last night with my daughter, Reyah while we created a Valentine’s Day box for her last elementary school party. As I watch her blossom into the soulful being she is divinely meant to be, I am reminded that putting creativity into action can be so fulfilling and gratifying. While helping her out last night, my inner voice kept uttering to me, “It doesn’t have to be perfect. Just enjoy the process of creating.” As a recovering perfectionist, I realize that letting go of perfection doesn’t have to be as difficult of a process as I sometimes think it can be. The box is not perfect but it is simple and beautiful as Reyah declared it to be. I love it when what we envision actually manifests in our reality simply with inspired action! And then I remembered suddenly the Christmas gift Reyah gave me last year which was a trinket box with the words “Simple is Beautiful”. Oh, what a sweet memory to have resurfaced! Cherishing this moment of bonding I had with Reyah. It’s such a joy when she teaches me all the delightful ways I can spiritually grow as a mother. Our children can really be our greatest teachers if we allow them to be! šŸ’œ

(BTW, empty Kleenex boxes sure do come in handy! šŸ˜‰)


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