Dear God

Woman praying

Dear God,

I am so very grateful that…

I find peace in every breath.
I find joy in every breath.
I find love in every breath.
I find beauty in every breath.
I find abundance in every breath.
I find forgiveness in every breath.
I find healing in every breath.
I find faith in every breath.
I find light in every breath.
I find YOU in every breath!

I am with You and You are with me….
That is ALL I ever need.

Love always,


Discovering My Strength Amid Life’s Challenges

Challenges Ahead

“Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you; they’re supposed to help you discover who you are.”

-Bernice Johnson Reagon

My first reaction to life’s challenges isn’t always a positive one. Such was the case with certain events I encountered in the past year, particularly in the last several months. But the quote above by Bernice Johnson Reagon genuinely offers profound wisdom for people like me who find it difficult to battle life’s everyday challenges. Admittedly, life’s challenges do throw me way out of my comfort zone just when life is flowing so smoothly. But if I look at the deeper meaning behind those challenges, they provide me with a multitude of opportunities to face my fears and to rediscover myself, my purpose, my strengths and my weaknesses. These challenges allow me to refocus on my relationship with the Divine and to find ways to strengthen my faith — the faith that sometimes wavers when I’ve hit rock bottom and I can only see darkness all around me. And I sometimes forget that there is a comfort and peace that is waiting for me if only I open my heart to receive it, if only I allow God to bear my burdens, if only I become still and listen, if only I put my complete trust in God and His timing.

Paralyzed is how I felt amid some of my trials and tribulations recently. It was as if my life had come to a halt and all of my aspirations were delayed. It seemed as though all of the difficult events were controlling my life and in which direction my life would now be led. I had allowed myself to be defined by my problems and the uncontrollable challenges of my life. There were many days when the tears wouldn’t stop streaming down my face and there were countless moments when I sat in utter self-doubt, even questioning God’s ways, wondering about the turmoil and why my world was so shaken up all of the sudden. Despite the doubts and questions that had begun to creep in, God saved me yet again. Through it all, God was my strength. He reminded me that I could lean on Him when I couldn’t lean on my own understanding. He brought me back to Him because He knows that I belong only to Him. He knows that I will always be tranquil when I allow myself the time to experience His real presence. God knows that peace is promised when I deepen my knowledge of Him through nature, through others who are fighting a harder battle than I am, through the people who are ever-ready to shower me with their love, through my trials and tribulations, through His word, through acknowledging His beautiful attributes, through prayer and through my sincere efforts to become still.

During my moments of stillness, I was privileged to feel the close and authentic presence of the Divine. It was in the quietude that the small still voice within began to change into an audible whisper to bring forth God’s love and wisdom. God whispered His beautiful truth into my ears when it was least expected. He enlightened me to open my heart and see the world with eyes of love, to heal my body and all the brokenness that resides in my heart and to be brutally honest with myself so that I can dance gracefully with my soul. He afforded me with innumerable opportunities to shift my consciousness, to continually be aware of how to better myself, to count my blessings no matter what the circumstances and to believe in the abundant beauty of the Universe. Every demanding experience, every trial of faith and every adverse event that I encountered couldn’t have been survived without God’s endless love that was poured into my life. He didn’t give me everything that I WANTED but He sure did give me everything that I NEEDED in my moments of hardship. And the most precious gift that I received was my very own best friend named God who was ever-present in each and every chaotic situation I faced. It is said that people will abandon you, fail you and break your heart but God will never do that because He only loves and forgives.

So I want to take a moment now to thank my beloved God for blessing my life with His magnificent miracles. I’m so very grateful for God’s gentle nudges that remind me to stay centered while I continue to journey through this challenging phase of my life. I now stand stronger than before and more faithful than ever with only praise and glory in my heart for the Almighty and Omnipresent Creator of ALL.


Dear God

Woman praying


Dear God,

As the new year is unfolding, Your message is becoming very evident to me in that I attract not what I want, but who I am; that if I want to change something in my life, I need to focus on the inner part of myself and You will take care of the outer. I have come to the realization that many places within me need to be healed. The experiences that I have had in the last several years embody the lessons of healing for my own personal and spiritual growth. There are some lessons that I may have ignored or suppressed as well as some past events and people that I may not have forgiven. Today, I ask for Your forgiveness of the lessons that I failed to acknowledge. I ask that you please help me to forgive myself for my oversights and forgive the events and people of my past that may have hurt me intentionally or unintentionally. There is a tremendous amount of inner work that I have done and even more that I need to continue doing to achieve the healing that you want me to experience. Please help me discover those specific areas that need to be healed within me and what might I need to do to bring forth the perfect healing for myself. Please help me look at each and every fear that may hinder my healing straight in the eye and face it with my head held high. For it is in the healing of myself that I will be able to know and love myself better and thus, know all other beings and love them unconditionally. I believe in the power of Your amazing grace for my spiritual, physical, mental and emotional healing, and I thank you very much for it.

Love always,

Dear God

Dear God,

Thank you for this day. My day begins with You and ends with You. This past week was particularly difficult to endure. But from You, I found the strength to surrender many of my cares. I did this because I know that You will not fail me. There are no mistakes, accidents or coincidences…only divine appointments. I know that with each experience and encounter that You bring forth in my life, there is a lesson that You want me to learn. A lesson that will allow me to serve You in more ways than I can think of. A lesson that will only strengthen and change me. A lesson that will make my life more purposeful and worth my every breath.

I cannot explain why I find myself constantly fighting with the Universe and the things that are completely out of my control. My need to control only worsens my internal conflict. Why do I do this knowing that I will only hurt myself more? Please forgive me for this and help me forgive myself for my past mistakes. Even though I don’t fully understand and know all the answers, help me to accept things just the way they are. You know what is best for me and You will give me far better than I can even imagine when I leave my cares, worries and problems with You. Please teach me to let go of these things quickly and easily, especially the “if onlys” and “whys”.

When I awaken in the middle of the night about my cares, I am assured that I can rely on You for my source of comfort. In the midst of all the tossing and turning at night, many times You help me decipher and resolve my problems or You reveal a divine sign. Please help me continue to trust You wholeheartedly and relinquish my deeply-ingrained fears that are sometimes so downright scary to deal with. Please help me consider and look forward to the blessings that You have in store for me – those blessings that I may consider problems right now but these very well may be opportunities in disguise.

The next several nights are very special and will be the most powerful. As I sit in Your remembrance during these nights, for each tear that streams down my face, there will be a prayer. I ask for forgiveness not only for myself but also for all my loved ones as well as my brothers and sisters in this world. Please help us all forgive each other and let go of the bitterness and resentments that we have held onto from our past experiences. Please heal each one and help us unite with each other so that we may live with peace, love and harmony in our hearts for each other. Your grace and glory are everlasting, and the way that You work in our lives is truly enlightening. Let us not stray from the right path and if we do, please help us return quickly back to You. May we all be directed by Your light that guides us to the path of forgiveness, love and righteousness.

Thank you for blessing us all.

Love always,

Dear God

Dear God,

Thank you for this day. Tomorrow is not promised and I seem to repeatedly forget this. There are a million unanswered questions in my heart about tomorrow and a void is left where those answers belong. I am easily tempted to fill that void with my frustration and anger. On those days that are so painful to walk through, I need to remember that there is a lesson in each experience that You offer me – the lessons that teach me to be more faithful to You. I wish to follow Your lead but very often, during my agonizing trials and tests of faith, I become oblivious of Your genuinely loving whispers and lose hope; that is when I want to seek you the most. Oh, how I forget that You are the Most High, the Almighty – the One whose love can fill the void in my heart. It is during these distressful times that my fears become bigger than my faith — when the light seems to keep getting further out of reach and all I want to do is give up. But then I remember that it is also during these times that when I choose to step outside of my circumstances, I find myself surrendering all of my worries, doubts and fears to You. When I just let it be and return to You, something truly miraculous happens. It is in this void that I find Your grace and Your divine utterance simply reminds me that this precious grace is enough, that Your love and guidance is enough for me to keep striving forward. You continue to work in my life to fill my emptiness so that every moment of my every day is meaningful. My journey remains blessed with Your daily miracles and I find myself wanting to go on, believing in Your miracles and Your way.

Please be present in my heart all the way through. For everything in my life, I thank you!

Love always,

Knowing The Difference

Life throws me so many curveballs when I least expect it. One day can be almost perfect and another day, BAM!! I will feel like I have been shot to hell wondering where I went wrong. And I think to myself: “Wouldn’t it be nice if my life had a pause button?”

I have learned a valuable lesson this week with my never-ending struggle of knowing the things that I actually have control over and those that I do not, which I cannot change. A few recent situations led me to harbor some unresolved emotions which invaded my mind and soul leaving me incredibly frustrated, defeated and despondent. Today, I realized once again that I need to stop. I’ve reminded myself countless times that I have absolutely no control over other’s perceptions, beliefs and behavior — I simply cannot change them; instead I can adjust my attitude and feelings towards the situations, and just let it be.

It is during this on-going battle of my internal struggle that I find myself repeatedly murmuring the Serenity Prayer and trying to remember its essence.

God, grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference. 

Time after time, the wisdom part is what I stumble over the most — knowing what I can change and what I  cannot, knowing what I should do and should not, knowing when to keep going and when to stop.  I think that knowing the difference is a life-long process as life is full of trials and tribulations that everyone experiences in their own way. Through these constant distressful moments, I strive to be braver and stronger than the times before, and to face turbulent situations with impeccable courage. I realize that there are times when it is best for me to just close my eyes and let everything go. I need to let the Higher Power have control.

When the going gets tough, it is often difficult for me to remain positive. I cannot control what will happen tomorrow or a week or a year down the road — the only thing I have control over is this very moment. What I can control are my reactions to and thoughts about certain situations. I am the one who decides whether my glass is half-full or half-empty.  In this moment, I would rather enjoy the opportunities I have to better myself and my relationships, and to cherish the little things in life instead of wasting time worrying about uncontrollable circumstances and further weakening myself. I can already feel an overwhelming sense of peace and calmness through understanding and accepting this yet again.

Nothing is always perfect, not everything will go my way. Sometimes, there is a greater plan in play. Life will continue to throw these curveballs at me but I have to be sure to hit them out of the park. I have a lot to be thankful for today, especially for knowing the difference.