Life Is Rigged In Your Favor

Life Rigged Rumi Quote

Know that when life feels hard that there is a precious gift somewhere yet to be discovered in the “hard”. Be open to receiving the gift that is waiting for you. Seek it wholeheartedly. Find it with ease. Don’t turn it away just because it is not in your physical view. All of life is always conspiring FOR you!!

Release your struggle. Invite ease. Stay open to the miracles.

Love is ALL there is!

 My heart is so FULL as I conclude this week feeling abundantly grateful and reveling in the aha-mazing synchronicities that I have received this week during my trip to Baltimore. God has so graciously blessed me with uplifting soulful friends, overwhelming support, unexpected divine miracles, powerful shifts and beautiful hearts only to remind me that love is ALL there is. We are so deeply connected through the infinite power of love in this Universe. And when we choose love above everything else in all of our challenges, we can intensely connect with the true ultimate power of God. Profound joy is what I feel when God moves through me to love as He loves, to forgive as He forgives and to extend grace just as He does. Oh, what a glorious life I live!